Dream Of Being In Labor (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dream Of Being In Labor (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dreaming of being in labor is one of the rarer dreams we encounter in our sleep, especially if you’re not a woman or not expecting a child. However, at some point in your life, you have probably dreamt about certain things you’re sure will never happen in real life, so having this dream should not…

Dream About Turtle? (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dream About Turtle? (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

A turtle symbolizes many things, nearly all of them being positive. It includes patience, wisdom, longevity, courage, and good health. However, what does it mean in a dream? In this article, we’re going to see what place turtles have in myths around the world, and share interpretations of some of the most frequent dreams about…

Dream About Lesbian (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dream About Lesbian (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Hey, stop! It’s high time you douse that awkward sensation burning within you because you think the lesbian sex dream you had days ago violated you. Yes! Getting intimate with a strange hottie in the dream can set you on edge, especially if you’re straight and have never conceived such thoughts. Take a chill pill…

What Does It Mean When Your Dream Comes True? (6 Spiritual Meanings)

What Does It Mean When Your Dream Comes True? (6 Spiritual Meanings)

People who have dreams that come true have for thousands of years been at the center of ancient beliefs, traditions and different folklore from all around the world. In many ancient societies, they were awarded a specific position in the community, often as shamans or priests of the mystical. However, in recent years science has…

Dream About Insects (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dream About Insects (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Insects are resilient, resourceful, and diverse creatures. They are tiny animals that we often come across in our everyday life. They have lived with us for years, inhabiting almost every earthly niche, both in the water, on land, in the air, and even inside humans. So, we should not be surprised when these little animals…

Dream of Saving Someone from Drowning (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dream of Saving Someone from Drowning (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Saving someone in a dream is a favorable sign; it means you’re making a substantial effort to solve problems, grant comfort to people around you, and step up to unpleasant situations. Saving a drowning person in dreams is closely related to spiritual communication. The waves may indicate that you’re going through a series of emotions…

Dream Of Jumping (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dream Of Jumping (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Have you ever jumped in your dream? If you have, then you might be wondering what it means. Dreams are often a way for our subconscious to communicate with us, so the things that happen in them can be very telling. There are different interpretations for this type of dream, varying from big changes in…

Dream About Dead Snakes (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dream About Dead Snakes (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

For most people, snakes are animals that come straight from their deepest nightmares. And even though a lot of them can not kill you, it can be very unsettling to dream about these creatures. They represent betrayal, worries, and deception, but dreaming about a dead snake can bring incredible things into your life. It can…