Biblical Meaning Of Toilet In Dreams (12 Spiritual Meanings)
Dreams about toilets aren’t the most common dreams, but they can have many different meanings. It all depends on the exact context of the dream, including what happens in the dream, and what kind of toilet it is.
In this article, we’re going to cover some of the most prevalent dream interpretations about toilets, and then look deeper into the meaning of cleanliness and toilets in the Bible.
Biblical Meaning Of Toilet In Dreams (12 Spiritual Meanings)
1. Sin
A dream about a dirty toilet is a sign from your subconscious mind that your soul needs cleansing. This dream is often a sign that you’ve been engaging in sinful behavior and that you need to repent. It’s a warning from your subconscious mind that you’re going down the wrong path and that you need to make a change. The level of dirtiness of the toilet represents the degree of your past sins – the dirtier the toilet, the bigger the sin.
2. You’re Overwhelmed
A clogged toilet can be a representation of your life which is full of anxiety and stress. You might feel like you’re about to burst and that everything is just too much for you. This dream is often a sign that you need to take a step back and assess your situation. Perhaps you’re taking on too much and you need to learn to say no.
An overflowing toilet with flooding water represents that there’s just too much of something in your life, and you have to take a moment in waking life to consider everything that’s currently on your plate. When you assess your responsibilities, think about which things can be cut out of your life.
3. You Feel Helpless
A dream about a broken toilet can be interpreted as a sign that you feel helpless in your life. You might be feeling like you can’t do anything right and that everything is falling apart. You can see this dream as an indicator that you need to take some time for yourself and focus on your own well-being.
4. Lack of Privacy
If you have a dream where you have to use a public restroom, it could be a sign that your life lacks privacy. The need to use a public toilet represents you not having your own private space. It can be a physical space, such as your own home, or it can be emotional and mental, such as your thoughts and feelings.
This dream could also be a sign that you’re feeling embarrassed about something in your life. You might be worried that people will find out about your secret or that you’ll be judged for something you’ve done.
5. You Need to Let Go
A dream where you flush the toilet in the bathroom can be a sign that you’re ready to let go of something that’s been holding you back for a while. It’s related to your past experiences, and could even be linked with your childhood trauma.
Significant negative events that have happened to us usually keep following our hearts and minds for years or even decades. Some people, get hindered by such experiences for their entire lives.
It’s incredibly difficult to let go of something that has deeply hurt us, but having a dream where you flush a toilet is a sign that now is the time to do so. Take this dream seriously and make the best of it.
You have to metaphorically flush something that has been stopping your personal and spiritual growth. It can include other things than trauma. For example, a bad habit or just negative emotions that are torturing you.
Take this chance to change your lifestyle and grow as a person.
6. You’re Ready for Change
A dream where you’re renovating a bathroom can be interpreted as a sign that you’re ready for a change in your life. This dream is often a sign that you’re about to embark on a new journey or that you’re about to make a major change in your life.
7. You’re Not Tapping Into Your Potential
A dream where you’re flushing away valuable items can be seen as a sign that you’re being wasteful in your life. This dream is often a sign that you need to be more mindful of your actions and think about the long-term consequences of your choices.
Perhaps you’re not taking advantage of your privileged situation in life, or you’re missing out on many great opportunities that are coming your way. Whatever it is, try to make the best out of every good thing that appears in your life.
8. Good Omen
A dream about a golden toilet bowl can be interpreted as a good omen. It symbolizes that you’re about to make a shift in your life for the better. Something positive is happening, or about to happen, in your waking life. Most often this dream is followed by some sort of financial gain. Perhaps you’ll get promoted at your job, or you’ll be informed about a hefty inheritance. Regardless of what’s exactly coming your way, just don’t forget to welcome it with open arms and the rest will fall into place on its own.
9. You Have Support
Having a dream about a plumber who came to fix your toilet can be a sign that you have people around you who care about you and are ready to help you with your problems. This dream usually comes to people who are struggling with something in their waking life and feel like they’re all alone.
It’s a reassuring message from the Universe or God that you’re not alone and that there are people who care about you and are ready to help you whenever you need it. Even if it doesn’t appear to be the case, trust this message and keep doing your best until the help comes.
10. Bad Luck
Dreaming about a toilet with feces is usually a sign of bad luck. It symbolizes that something negative is about to happen in your life. Perhaps you’ll fail an important test, or you’ll get into a car accident. This dream could also be a warning from your subconscious mind to stay away from a certain person or situation as it might be dangerous for you.
That said, not every dream carries a spiritual significance, and even if you had such a dream it’s not a given that you’re going to experience something negative in your life.
11. You’re Stuck
A dream where you’re trying to flush the toilet but the water just won’t go down can represent you feeling stuck in your life. You might have lost your motivation and inspiration, and you can’t find a way out.
This dream is often a sign that you need to take a break and relax. Maybe you’re working too hard and you need to take some time off. Alternatively, it could be a sign that you’re not challenging yourself enough and you need to find a new goal to strive for.
12. You’re disgusted with something
A dream where you’re cleaning a dirty toilet can be interpreted as a sign that you’re disgusted with something in your life. This dream is often linked with your job or your relationship. Perhaps you’re not happy with your current situation and you feel like you need to make a change.
Meaning of Toilets in the Bible
In the Bible, toilets have everything to do with the cleanliness and purity of your soul and conscience. Only clean people can accept God into their hearts. In the Old Testament, we see that God instructed the Israelites to have a place outside of their camp to relieve themselves. They were also instructed to have a digging tool with them so that they could cover up their excrement:
12 “You must have a place outside the camp to go and relieve yourself.”
13 “And you must have a digging tool in your equipment so that when you relieve yourself you can dig a hole and cover up your excrement.”
14 “For the LORD your God walks throughout your camp to protect you and deliver your enemies to you. Your camp must be holy, lest He see anything unclean among you and turn away from you.” (Deuteronomy 23:12-14)
These verses show that in order to be protected by God, you need to be clean both physically and spiritually. This was to ensure that their camp remained clean and holy.
In the New Testament, we see that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples before the Last Supper, so they can accept God into their hearts:
5 “After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.”
6 “He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, ‘Lord, are you going to wash my feet?’
7 Jesus replied, ‘You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.’
8 “‘No,’ said Peter, ‘you shall never wash my feet.’”
Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” (John 13:5-8)
This was to symbolize the need for them to be clean before they could sit at the table with him. So what does all of this mean? Toilets in the Bible are symbolic of the cleanliness and purity of our soul and conscience.